Page 15 - RCS - Annual Report, 2020
P. 15
20,000,000 15,000,000 10,000,000
5,000,000 0
Tule House 2.5%
Training 4.9%
Redwood Community Services supports programs through a variety of funding streams. A variety of grant and government contract funding has supported a number of pro2g0r2a0mBsosaerdrvionfgDoiruercctorms munity's most vulnerable populations such as HOME SLE and Building Bridges Homeless Resource Center. Where grant and government contract funding or formal service billing is not available, RCS relies on community donations. The largest recipient of in-kind donations is our annual holiday gift drive providing holiday gifts to over 135 children and youth within our foster care and residential programs, children receiving behavioral health services and families within the Wraparound, NEST, Tule House and HOME SLE programs.
Agency Income
Grant Income
Behavioral Health 22.2%
Foster Family Agency 8%
Pinoleville NAYA 2.6%
Adventist Health HOME SLE 6.4%
Youth Resource Centers 2.5%
Building Bridges Homeless Resource Center 2020 fundraising campaign totalled
Building Bridges 8%
Youth Residential 28%
*Not included in graph is Adventist Health Crisis Respite, Community Foundation of Mendocino Co. and Stimulus Funds
Legacy Donation
Monthly Giving
Program Specific Support Holiday Gift Giving
Back to School Supplies Youth Resource Center Prom Drives
Opened in 2020, the HOME SLE program is supported by Adventist Health through a HEAP grant administered by the LCCoC. Within adult care services, Madrone and Harmony Houses are funded through a partnership with Adventist Health. Also received in 2020 was local support from The Community Foundation of Mendocino County through Community Enrichment Grants. We value our local partners and continue to seek out ways in which, as a community, we can all work together to serve our most vulnerable.
Donations Grant Income
Program Revenue Client Program Fees
Misc revenue