Page 1 - WSAAG061_Ways to Use a Reverse Mortgage
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Are you a homeowner, age 62 or over?
                       Consider a Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) loan, a versatile
                            retirement funding tool, to convert your home equity into cash!

                     Could you use additional funds to retire better?

               HECM loan proceeds can be used in a variety of ways:

       n       Eliminate monthly mortgage    n       Set up transportation         n       Travel to visit family and old friends.
          payments. (Borrower must              arrangements for when you are no
          continue to pay property taxes,       longer comfortable driving.        n       Fill the gap in your retirement plan

          homeowner’s insurance, and                                                  caused by lower than expected
          maintenance costs.)                n       Pay for long-term health care    returns on your assets.
       n       Plan for the unexpected by                                          n       Delay taking Social Security
          maintaining a line of credit that   n       Pay for health insurance during   benefits , increasing monthly
          grows over time.                      early retirement years until          payments later in life.
                                                Medicare eligible at 65.
       n       Strengthen your cash flow by                                        n       Pay off credit card and other high-
          getting a monthly payment for life .   n     Combine life tenure payments with   interest bills.
                                                Social Security and income
       n       Modify your home to              generated by assets to replace your   n       Cover monthly expenses
          accommodate aging in place.           salary.                               between jobs without utilizing
                                                                                      savings or other assets.

       n       Convert a room in your home   n     Maintain a standby cash reserve
          into a living area for an aging family   to get you through the ups and   n       Purchase health-related technology
          member or caregiver.                  downs of investment markets.          that enables you to be more

       n       Cover monthly expenses and hold   n       Pay for short-term in-home care
          onto other assets, while their value   or physical therapy following an
          continues to grow.                    accident or medical incident.

                                   I am your reverse mortgage professional.
                                            Call me today to learn more!

        1  Available with Tenure-Based or Modified Tenure plans, so long as Borrower does not default on the loan. Borrower must maintain home as principal
        residence, pay all property taxes, homeowner’s insurance, maintain the home, and comply with all other loan terms. With Modified Tenure plans,
        lender will set aside a specific amount of money for a line of credit.
        2  Social Security benefits estimator available at
        See reverse side for important disclosure information.

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