Page 1 - HECM Roadmap
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Reverse Mortgage Roadmap
The Road to a Better Retirement
Stop 2
Review Reverse Mortgage loan
options with your RM Professional
Stop 1 Stop 3
Meet with your local Reverse Attend HUD Counseling and
Mortgage (RM) Professional obtain Counseling Certificate
Stop 4
Meet with your RM Professional
to sign loan application package
Stop 5
Provide required income documents
to your RM Professional
! Loan submitted Stop 7
for processing
Stop 6 An appraisal company will work
Your Setup Specialist will order with you to schedule and collect
your FHA Case #, title work, payment for appraisal
and appraisal services
Stop 8
Your Processor will navigate you through loan process
and collect any missing documents/conditions
Final Loan Stop 9
Stop 10 Approved The Underwriting Team
Closing Team draws final will review your loan and
loan documents for you grant a final decision
to sign, issues wire transfer,
collects funding conditions
and funds the loan