Page 1 - Hybrid Roadmap_B2C
P. 1

Step 2
       Mortgage                                        Discuss eligible mortgage loan options with your MPP and
       Planning                                                   select the loan type – Reverse or Traditional
                                         The Road
       Roadmap                           to a Better

                                                                      Step 1
                                                     Meet with your local Mortgage
                                                        Planning Professional (MPP)

         Step 5                                                                      REVERSE
         Provide required income
         documents and
         provide your Intent                                           Step 3
         to Proceed to your                              Attend HUD Counseling and                      TRADITIONAL
                                                        obtain Counseling Certificate          Step 3
                                            Step 4                                    Finalize all loan terms
                               Meet with your MPP to sign                            and application details
                                loan application package                                   with your MPP

             !         Loan submitted for processing                        !

                                                                                     Loan submitted for processing
                     Step 6                                                      Step 4
                     Setup Specialist orders your FHA Case #, title
                     work, and appraisal services                                Setup Specialist mails your Loan Estimate
                                                                                 Disclosure Package

                                                                                      Step 5

                           Step 7                               Review the Loan Estimate and provide            Step 6
                                                                   your Intent to Proceed to your MPP
          Appraisal company works with                                                                           Vendor
           you to schedule appraisal and                                                                      Coordinator
                     collects payment                                                                        orders all 3rd
                                                                                                            party services
                                                                                                              – appraisal,
                                                                                                                title, etc.

                                                                           Step 7
                                                                           Appraisal company works with you to
                                                                           schedule appraisal and collects payment
                     Step 8
                     Processor navigates you through loan process and
                     collects any missing documents/conditions                    Step 8
                                                                                  Processor navigates you through loan
                                                                                  process and collects any missing

               Step 9
               The Underwriting Team
               reviews your loan and                   Final Loan
               grants a final decision                 Approved

                                                                                            Step 9
                                       Step 10                           Underwriter reviews your loan and
              Closing Team draws final loan documents for                          grants a final decision
           you to sign, issues wire transfer, collects funding
                         conditions and funds the loan
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