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HECM for Purchase Loan

        Give your clients more home purchasing power.

        A Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) for Purchase loan is a reverse               HECM for Purchase
        mortgage that is specifically designed to assist people age 62 or older in               Loan Example
        purchasing a home with no monthly mortgage payments.* Use the HECM for
        Purchase to increase your sales opportunities and
        move more inventory while offering a viable financial                                  Your client, age 65, sells
        option to your senior clients. Use the charts below to                                their existing home with
        determine how much your buyer can finance with                                       net proceeds of $450,000.
        a HECM for Purchase and how much money they
        would need to provide at closing.
                                                                                                      Step One
        *Borrower must continue to pay property
        taxes, homeowners insurance, and home                                                    Purchase a New
        maintenance costs.                                                                             Home

                                                                                              Your client finds a NEW
                                                                                                home for $300,000.  2
                                                                                              Use $168,738 as a down
        How It Works                                                                                 payment.
        A couple with the youngest spouse aged 65 would like to buy a $300,000 house
        without monthly mortgage payments.* How much of the home purchase could be              Use $144,600 from a
        financed by a HECM and how much money would they need to provide at closing?          HECM for Purchase loan
                                                                                               to complete purchase.
        Loan Amount: Locate the age on the chart closest to the youngest buyer’s age.
        Then find the home value closest to the home your buyers are looking to purchase.
        This will give you an estimate of the HECM loan amount.                                       Step Two
          HOME VALUE      $200,000     $300,000    $500,000     $700,000   $1,000,000               down payment

           65 Years Old   $96,400 1    $144,600 2  $241,000³    $337,400⁴   $396,385⁵
           75Years Old    $108,000 6   $162,000 7  $270,000⁸    $378,000⁹   $444,083¹⁰         HECM to complete purchase

           85 Years Old  $126,000 11  $189,000 12  $315,000¹³  $441,000¹⁴   $518,096¹⁵
                                                                                                   $300,000 +
        Chart1. HECM Loan Amount**
                                                                                                 Closing Costs
        Down Payment: Locate the age on the chart closest to the youngest buyer’s
        age. Then find the home value closest to the home your buyers are looking to
        purchase. This will give you an estimate of the amount your buyers would need to              Step Three
        provide at closing.
                                                                                                  $281,262 at your
                                                                                                client’s disposal and
          HOME VALUE      $200,000     $300,000    $500,000     $700,000   $1,000,000
                                                                                               $0 monthly mortgage
           65 Years Old   $113,938     $168,738    $277,338    $384,938     $628,400            payments. (Borrower
           75 Years Old   $102,338     $151,338    $248,338    $344,338     $580,703               must continue
           85 Years Old   $84,338      $124,338    $203,338    $281,338     $506,689              to pay property
                                                                                                taxes, homeowners
        Chart 2. Estimated Amount Buyer Needs to Provide at Closing
                                                                                               insurance, and home
        For industry professionals only - not intended for distribution to the general public.   maintenance costs.)
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