Page 22 - NWCCPaintHorseDirectory2016
P. 22
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HP Youth 14-18 | Reserve HP Overall All Around Open Reserve HP Senior Horse
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Overall HP All Around Open HP Amateur Classic | HP Senior Horse
What a wonderful year Lil and I had. We set out at the beginning of 2014 with some big dreams ahead of us. It was going to be tough. I would miss the largest show of the year - the Zone 1 show due to a 6 week hiatus to travel to Kansas to attend Options for Animals, school of animal chiropractic where I was certified in veterinary chiropractic medicine. It was very hard being gone away from the show pen. But the education I received was well worth it. I came back with a new outlook on equine health and a go get ‘em attitude for the last few shows of the season. Even with the time off, Lil bounced back into show mode and we did what we set out to do- We accom- plished every goal we set for ourselves. Classic Am- ateur Highpoint, Senior Horse Highpoint, and the Superhorse award for the second year in a row! Not to mention a few World Show Top 10s! Lil has been amazing and after all we have accomplished to- gether, there is no better time for her retirement to the brood mare life. We are so excited for her babies, we can't wait to see what the future holds for us. A huge thank you to my husband and trainer Brad Chastain and to all of our family for their unending support.
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Reserve HP Amateur Classic
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HP Amateur Masters I can't be more thrilled to be High Point Master Amateur. Special Te Forces is so much fun to show and really had a great year with all my show friends. Looking forward to 2015 and adding several new classes. Thanks so much to my husband, Jim for all your support!!

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