Page 63 - The Woven Tale Press Vol. IV #9
P. 63
“This work concentrates on abstractions inspired by my long fascination with land-fault diagrams
which attempt to illustrate the way the world would appear if seen in cross-section. I create imaginary landscapes by looking at schemat- ics, aerial views, weather maps and scienti c illustration, all of which rely on symbolism more than observa- tion, and I manipulate them to make intentional distortions in proportion. For instance, chunks of the earth’s mantle are made to appear as small as hand-held rocks, while simultane- ously showing detail at a scale which seems to switch from an aerial per- spective seen from space, to views seen from a low ying glider.
I am currently incorporating other elements to intersect with these natural symbols such as old maps,
nd re nement of my chosen color pencil and watercolor me- s that is intended to be both soothing and disturbing.
earth changes with a detached view of the ongoing climate ge’). The landscape is deconstructed insofar as meaning is shift- faceted. By exploring the idea of landscape rather than a physi-
do not follow logical criteria, but are based on my subjective to make new intuitive associations.”