Page 55 - The Woven Tale Press Vol. IV #7
P. 55

ceramic with
oil and acrylic surface 10.25” x 8” x 7.75”
“All my life I have enjoyed creative endeavors, but I
had not found that one irre- sistable thing I would want to fully invest myself in. Draw- ing, painting, and working as
a digital photographer are things that I have enjoyed,
but have not felt especially passionate about. After years of indecision about what I wanted to do, I thought I would go with something safe, a degree in the math and sci-
ences. In 2013, I enrolled in a sculpting class my final semester to help me unwind after completing all the rigorous requirements for a BS in Biology. The first assign- ment was to create a self-portrait bust with clay, and working in this medium felt so natural. As my project evolved, I knew that this, sculpting, was it for me, and I could not imagine doing anything else from that point on.”

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