Page 83 - The Woven Tale Press Vol. V #7
P. 83
“He wondered
how this shy don’t like uncertainties, as you know.”
young man was appar- ently able to keep the company of two intel- ligent and independent women harmoniously and successfully...”
“The heart,” said Jane du Lac. “Weight: 610 grams. Heavy. Left ventricular hypertrophy on naked eye examination. What do you think, Martha?”
find you in Gentian Villa.” She looked at Dr du Lac. “Carry on, Jane,” she said. “Don’t mind me.”
“He was. Typically 190/100 mm of mercury. A wide pulse-pressure. Stiff aorta. He was certainly at risk.” Jane laid down the heart. “Look, why don’t you come with us? The stalls and gallery are likely fully booked, but there are bound to be spare tick- ets for the choir seats, and I’m sure another place could be set at our table at Villa Artigiana.”
“I’m glad you’ve arrived,” said Jane du Lac. “Are you?”
“I am. I’m being sincere.”
“Would you really mind?”
“I don’t doubt you,” said Tall Martha in a rather neutral tone of voice. She looked from Jane du Lac to the student. “I was looking for him,” she said. “Gabbitas said that there was a postmortem going on, so I guessed I’d find him here. He always at- tends your postmortems. Yours especially.”
“No, I wouldn’t mind at all. You are a friend of mine. I don’t have many friends. When I try to find friends they—males in particular—rip me off and try to hurry me, and make me do things precipi- tately. I don’t like being emotionally ripped off. This man doesn’t do that. His diffidence may be faux-diffidence, but it’s none the worse for that. I
Jane du Lac smiled. “Do you mind my taking him like his integrity.”
to a concert at the Colston Hall and then for something to eat at the Italian restaurant in Temple Street?”
“I’ll come, then. I’m paying my way, of course.”
“No. You are a woman of integrity, Jane. He is a man of integrity. And, if he weren’t, he wouldn’t see me for dust.” Tall Martha frankly laughed. It was rare to hear her laugh, except when under the influence of nitrous oxide. “I’m not a jealous woman. Jealousy is an emotion that does no-one any good.”
“No of course about it; you are students and I’m reasonably well paid. And I get the fees for signing the final part of every single cremation certificate at Cossham. I’ve cornered the market in ash-cash.” She paused and looked firmly at Tall Martha. “And there is the matter of the fact that, if he and I use the tickets that I have bought, and you are sitting
“Let’s get on with this postmortem,’ said Jane. ‘I didn’t think you’d be possessive in matters of friendship.”
“I’m not,” said Tall Martha. “I just wish to be sure. I
“How old was he?” “56.”
“No age.” Tall Martha stared at the heart. “And there is left ventricular hypertrophy. Was he hy- pertensive?”
(continued on next page)