Page 38 - WTP Vol. XI #3
P. 38

“The magical technique of cyanotype, working with plants, the sun, wind and water, with all that elements that are ephemeral and
eternal at the same time, fascinated me and made me introduce cyanotype into my current artistic practice; normally, I paint reversed on glass. Invented in 1842 by Sir John Herschel, cyanotype is a specific process that requires
a natural material, commonly fabric or paper, to be coated in photosensitive solution—usu- ally a combination of ferric ammonium citrate and potassium ferricyanide. This results in blue mono-tonal reproductions of the photographic negative, commonly called a blueprint.
The cyanotype originated as a popular form of photographic reproduction due to its inexpen- siveness and accuracy, making it useful for archi- tectural and scientific purposes. Anna Atkins was the first to experiment with cyanotype for other purposes. She created a series of cyanotype limited-edition books that documented ferns and other plant life from her extensive seaweed collection, placing specimens directly onto coated paper and allowing the action of light to create a silhouette effect. By using this photo- gram process, Atkins is sometimes considered the first female photographer.”
CorNelia terSaNSzki

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