Page 66 - Demo
P. 66

 TrenT BusCh
You go back to what it was like years ago when words tumbled out like desire for someone you could not have, happening often then.
You talked and talked as if words were what mouths were made for, filling rooms with nonsense about signs and dreams, the best actress you ever saw.
Now it’s what you hope not to say that eases what you are from corners of rooms as you move and sit trying not to startle, especially yourself.
And when you slip, a holiday evening drinking with friends, voice escaped surely not your own, you swap silence for unintended probity,
then try to take it back, as if able to be governed by will, wolf-hungry need for words, the tree that loses itself to the thunderstorm.
Busch grew up in West Virginia, and has lived for many years in Geor- gia, where he builds furniture in a private workshop. He’s the author of two books of poetry, “not one bit of this is your fault” (2019), and “Plumb Level and Square” (2020), both published by His poems have appeared in many journals, including The Best American Poetry, Poetry, The Nation, Threepenny Review, The Southern Review, AGNI Online, Poetry Daily, and The Hudson Review. His poem “Edges of Roads” was awarded the 2016 Margaret Reid Poetry Prize, published by Winning Writers.

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