Page 30 - WTP Vol. X #2
P. 30

“Iwork with discarded recycled books, transforming them
 into sculptures —painting, slicing, slivering, and otherwise chang- ing them into a new entity, something that retains
its past, but lives again in a totally new form (no new books were hurt in this endeavor).
“We are all affected by changes in the environ- ment and are beginning to realize the need to recycle to protect our future. I hope my work will increase awareness of these changes and will get people thinking about recycling, reusing, and repurposing.
“Some of these books are my response to the cur- rent awful Coronavirus news. I needed some order in the time of chaos. It helped me to mindlessly cut slices into a book, to break through the sym- metry with just enough variation to express the changing world—a combination of chaos and order kept me grounded.”
iRMaRi NachT

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