Page 66 - WTP Vol. XI #6
P. 66

 Wally sWisT
Mach Mich zum Wächter Deiner Weiten
By Rainer Maria Rilke
Make me the guardian of your expanses, make me listener at the stone,
let me open my eyes
to your seas of loneliness;
let me accompany the flow of the river from the shouts on both sides
far into the sound of the night.
Send me to your empty lands,
through which the far winds go, where great monasteries
stand like robes around unlived lives. There I want to join with pilgrims, their voice and forms
no longer separated by deceit, and behind a blind old man go the way no one knows.
Translated from Rilke’s The Book of Hours: The Book of Poverty and Death.
Swist’s books include Evanescence: Selected Poems (Shanti Arts, 2020), The Bees of the Invisible (Shanti Arts, 2019), and A Bird Who Seems to Know Me: Poems Regarding Birds & Nature (winner of the Ex Ophidia Press Poetry Prize, 2018). Like Catching Fish in Her Hands, a hybrid work on caregiving and spirituality, is forthcoming from Wildhouse Publishing.

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