Page 63 - WTP Vol. V #1
P. 63
l.b. sEdlacEk
Clown Central
I only see the ocean in pictures and nothing as vivid as a name
in blue with curly blonde hair, almost a clown’s wig, crying
over pain I cannot hear and
red faced over someone I can’t see.
Later when I pass the hospital gift shop for the last time, pass the honor flower refrigeration box too I think of mermen when I pass the restrooms because where it should say Men’s Room it says Mer Room.
It makes me laugh even though I should be crying like the nurse,
the clown on the fourth floor.
Sedlacek is an award-winning poet, publisher, edi- tor, author, and poem critic. She has been published in Poetry Quarterly, The Copper eld Review, and Texas Poetry Journal. She is a three-time Caldwell Literary Award winner and a two-time Pushcart nominee.