Page 41 - WTP Vol. V #2
P. 41
Size—13”x13” framed
ink, acrylic, and watercolor on canvas tinkle.” Then the giant conifer
Miss Robin
By Jennifer G. Peper
began to sway when the Harpy
not like smashing into things, which is typical
when I drink and fly.” As she preened her downy
gray feathers, the tangled fuzz trailed out the “I would feel more comfortable if I had my book back windows. A half an hour later, they pulled with me so that I can be prepared and review.” the car into the semi-circle of the Sunset Retire-
ment Community Center.
some mother load of a spell in a jiffy, we’re go- The Oracle had lived through the two great wars, ing to resemble that horrific excuse of a soup you
the Crusades, and had once mentioned some- tried to feed to me back at the house.”
thing about the Great Pyramid debacle, but
as she was as old as dirt her commentary was rarely decipherable. She sat in the foyer of the Sunset Retirement Community Center with an aide next to her wheelchair.
As if to drive the point home, they felt the car be- gin to give. There was not a moment to lose.
“Load her in the back. Janice, pull your chair
up. There we are.” The Harpy adjusted her (continued on next page)
seatbelt so it didn’t catch her feathers. “Janice, how long is this going to take? My gentle- man friend is meeting me in front of the Gravitron.”
The Sea Witch drove in a gigan- tic circle for the next twenty minutes and in doing so unin- tentionally retraced their route over half the county. They also managed to defy the laws of physics when the Harpy be- came impatient, jammed her great wings out the windows of the Volvo and proceeded to fly the car up into a tree.
The Oracle’s magnified eyes gazed imploringly out from her glasses and over the up- holstered front seat. “I have to
tried to pull her wings back into the car. “This plan needs some magic mojo,
Janice. Come on! Let’s have it, witchy poo!”
“I’m telling you right now that if you don’t cast
The Sea Witch snatched her wand out of the glove compartment, cleared her throat, and in hushed tones, began to recite the spell.