Page 47 - WTP Vol. V #2
P. 47

Root Deep and Rise
Root deep and rise!
Uncurl from your seed sleep
reach / seek the trickle seep of rain tendril / tunnel through
freshly turned dirt
toward the sane certainty
of season, sun, and spin till earth
green boned and bloom bellied spring breeze sway sure of the way and want that you’re made
to open -
sweet glimpse of your creator’s eyes
Root deep and rise!
Sliver Kids
She held herself like a catchpenny bird of dime store glass.
“Why worry?
The wind will have its way,”
she said,
and when it did
the two of us were kids
stuck sucking at the slivers in our fingers.
Simpson’s work has appeared in MockingHeart Review, Ygdrasil: A Journal of the Poetic Arts, Fire y Magazine, and the anthology Oklahoma Poems and Their Poets.

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