Page 4 - Elite AirMail Spring 2024
P. 4

 I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. I’m old school.
Not long after I started managing jets, someone sug- gested our company, which would later become Elite Air, should launch a website. This was back when we had to dial up to a tune that sounded like nails on a chalkboard, and everyone looked forward to hearing the sweet news that they “got mail.”
Now, being old school doesn’t mean you can’t be open to change, and having some sort of website imme- diately made sense to me. The cost of not being online seemed greater than the cost of buying a domain and putting up some content.
Fast forward 30 years—and well, you don’t need me to tell you what the internet means to aviation today.
We redesigned our website for the first time just less than a decade ago. At the time, we went through a re- branding effort and wanted to bring our latest message to the fore via our online presence. When we decided to redesign our site again about six months ago, we didn’t have such a wholesale brand shakeup in mind. But we did have a few critical goals.
One, we wanted the look of our site to match the experience our clients receive in the cabins of our most luxurious jets. Two, we wanted our site to be extremely user friendly on mobile devices—talk about a change from 30 years ago. More people access websites these days on their phones than they do on desktop comput- ers, a trend that’s emerged in only the last half decade— well after we first redesigned eight years ago.
Three, we wanted to focus a little more on our bread and butter: aircraft management. Don’t think we’ve forgotten about our charter clients, but at the end of the day, best-in-class charter marketing is something we offer our management clients.
I think we have achieved our goals and then some in our redesign, and I hope you’ll go check out the results at
All that said, the biggest thing that has changed at Elite Air over the past 30 years is our fantastic growth. What started as a few-person operation has morphed into more than two dozen employees helping manage more than two dozen jets and turboprops. It’s some- thing I’m proud of, and it’s something I want to thank our team for. As part of that thanks, I’d like to send readers to www.
About to see our
employees’ all-new
headshots. None
of this could be
done without them,
and they deserve
the recognition.
“Team: Thanks for all your assistance with this trip! We re- ally appreciate the professionalism and dedication. Our client was extremely happy with the operation, aircraft, and crew— and we were, as well.
“We know the passengers were a late show on both legs
due to their events being full of people and traffic, and we really want to highlight your crew for the way they handled it. It is not usual to find as good a crew as yours on every flight. They were great, professional, and patient. The pilots, Troy Singer and Mario Espaillat, did a great job, and the cabin host, Kimberly Keck, was amazing.
“The communication was always clear, which was real-
ly helpful with these passengers, as some of them were afraid to fly. In fact, the passengers were so happy that they asked for same crew for their next flight. We are definitely going to be contacting you for future flights during the month. Thanks again.”
—Tango Jets LLC Sales Team
“Tom and Elite Air: Thank you so much for yesterday! You came to my rescue, and it worked out great. Your team was amazing, with proactive communication and
great execution. “
—Corey Ruffolo, Head of Sales & Marketing, SC Aviation
Thanks for sticking with Elite
Air over the years —online and in
real life.
Elite Air CEO & Pilot Gray Gibbs

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