Page 4 - New Era Progressie Baptist State Convention 2021
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New Era Progressive Missionary Baptist State Convention of Alabama, Inc. Virtual and in-Person Tuesday Night Worship – November 9, 2021 Education Night
7:00 p.m.
Devotional Message Song(s)
Health Tips
Worship through Giving Song(s)
Introduction of Preacher
Rev. Anthony Soles Rev. Kelvin Anthony
Sis. Mary Hubbard
Rev. Kelvin Anthony Presider
Presider: Dr. Monroe Tucker, Jr.
Call to Worship
Education Message
Rev. Johnnie Finkley
Dean, Birmingham-Easonian Baptist Bible College Birmingham, Alabama
Invitation to Discipleship Announcements Benediction
  We are asking each association to give a special education offering of $300.00.
  We are asking each auxiliary to give a special education offering.

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