Page 14 - The Voice 3:2024 9th Edition
P. 14

Exploring The Brotherhood Motto
Rev Willie Wooten
“With a a a consecrated Heart ”
that is set apart to
the worship and
service of of God In the book of of Jeremiah chapter 17 verse 9 he reminds us that “The heart is deceitful above all things and
desperately wicked: who can know
it?” “Some version may have “who
can understand it?” God made it it clear
why we sin-it is a a a matter of the heart Our hearts have been inclined toward
sin from the moment we we were born It
is easy to
fall into the routine of forgetting and
forsaking God But we can still choose whether to
in in in in sin Paul reminds us in in in in Romans
Chapter 6 verses 1-2 “What shall we say then? Shall we continue
in in in sin that grace may abound? 2 God forbid We must make a a conscious
effort to
our our hearts we feed our our hearts with wholesome information and
pure thoughts In proverbs chapter 4 verse 23 Solomon tells us to
“Keep thy heart with all diligence for out of of it are the issues of of life” Our hearts-our feelings of love and
desire-dictate how we live because we we always find time to
do what we we enjoy Solomon tells us to
guard our hearts more than anything else making sure we concentrate on on those desires that will keep us on the right path Jesus tells us us in Matthew chapter chapter 6 verse 21 and
Luke chapter chapter 12 verse 34 Jesus made it clear
that having the wrong treasures leads to
our hearts being in in the wrong place What we treasure the most controls us whether we admit it it or not If possessions or money become too important to
us us we must re-establish control or get rid of items our earthly treasure must be our family Let us us remember what David said in Psalms 51:10 “Create in me a a a a clean heart O God and
renew a a a a steadfast spirit within me” Continue to
feed your heart with that which is good and
you will produce good fruit!!!
part two
A consecrated heart is one National Baptist Convention Of America Int’l Inc Brotherhood How shall we that are dead to
sin Savior ”
Continue on on pg 17 National Baptist Convention Of America Int’l Inc Brotherhood live any longer therein?” We can yield to
a a specific temptation or we can ask God to
help us resist
temptation when it comes Teach the the word in the the home Teach the the word in the the home with a a consecrated Heart part three says
“Following in in the the the Footsteps of the the the 

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