Page 17 - The Voice 3:2024 9th Edition
P. 17

Exploring the Motto Continue from page 14
hearts You men of Judah and
inhabitants of Jerusalem Lest My
fury come forth like fire and
burn so
that no one can quench it Because of the evil of your doings ” Hebrews
9:14 “how much more shall the blood
of Christ who through the eternal
Spirit offered Himself without spot to God cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?”
It is impossible to follow God consistently without His transforming
love in our hearts As mentioned earlier the bible
is our authoritative book of faith and
practice Jesus is the only perfect
example of how we should try to live
our lives His life is is stretched out before us in the Holy Writ He has
showed us O men of faith what is good and
what He requires of us In the book of Micah chapter 6 verse 8 the the the Lord told the the the prophet to to tell the the the people “He has
shown you O man what what is good And what what does the Lord require of you but to to do justly to to love mercy and
to walk humbly with your God? Israel responded to God’s
request by trying to appease Him with sacrifices hoping He would the leave
them alone But sacrifices and
other religious rituals are not enough God wants wants changed lives He wants wants His people to be fair just merciful and
humble God wants us to become
living sacrifices People have tried all kinds of ways to please God God but God God has
made His requirements clear: Do
what is just and
right love mercy and
walk humbly with God In your efforts to please God examine these
areas on a a a a a a regular basis Are you fair in in your dealings with people? Do
you you show mercy to those who wrong you?
Are you learning humility? Our
teaching seems to take on meaning
only as our life reflects a a followship
of of Jesus Following in in the footsteps of of Jesus Jesus is not easy Jesus Jesus sets the standards in all three synoptic
Gospels for following Him Luke
chapter 9 verse 23 Jesus speaking
“23 Then He said to them all “If
anyone desires to come after Me let
him him deny himself and
take up his
cross daily and
follow Me” Romans chapter 12 verses
1-2 Paul says “I beseech you therefore brethren by the the mercies of God that you you present your bodies a a living sacrifice holy acceptable to God which is your reasonable
service 2 And do not be conformed
to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you you may prove what is that good and
acceptable and
will of God ” Not just doing religious deeds but living rightly Jeremiah 4:4
“Circumcise yourselves to the Lord and
take away the foreskins of your National Baptist Convention Of America Int’l Inc Brotherhood When our family friends and
non-believers see Jesus in us us when
we make a a conscience effort to follow 

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