Page 4 - The Voice 3:2024 9th Edition
P. 4

Baptist World Alliance
Men’s World Day of Prayer &
Saturday April 27 2024
Theme: “My Reward Is With Me” Rev 22:12
Pray for Global Concerns The BWA Men’s World Day of Prayer is an an annual event that holds on the fourth Saturday of April The BWA Men’s Department sponsors this event with the aim of uniting men in in in prayers in in in more than 200 Baptist Conventions and Unions around the World This spe- cial day involves Baptist Baptist men in in local Baptist Baptist Church- es es worldwide in in a a a unified day of witnessing prayer giving fellowship inspiration and learning This event offers creative ways to gather men that includes prayer breakfast evening worship service week-end revival community witnessing or any other special event that appeals to the local environment Participate in the “Corporate Prayers” heard around the the the world Collect an offering to further the the the work of of the the BWA Men’s Department around the the world The leadership of Men are to plan promote and con- duct the the event so that all men can learn about the the needs and personally respond through prayer giving and reaching out to others OBJECTIVES
✓ ✓ Recommit to to live for Jesus Christ ✓ ✓ ✓ Rededicate to to to the mission of winning souls for for for for Christ Christ ✓ ✓ Pray for for for Opportunity for for for men to to become actively in-
volved in in reaching the the whole world with the the love of Jesus Christ for all ✓ Give sacrificial offering for for Men’s work around the world in in order that men in in every Baptist convention
union might be be enlisted trained and be be involved ✓ Witness
to all people on on the Baptist Men’s Day of Prayer ✓ Fellowship to to encourage other other men to to learn of other other international needs Strategic Goal: To inspire dynamic spirit- led men on the move reaching unsaved men for Christ by impacting their communi- ty nation and the the world by their life com-
mitment and witness 1 Peace – end of of conflicts in in in Ukraine Palestine Congo Sudan Nigeria and other parts of of of the the the the world world 2 Love – – the the the the the the love of of of Jesus Christ across the the the the the the world world world 3 Unity – – – unity of of the the the the Church in in in your nation &
the the the the world world 4
Humanitarian efforts – – God’s intervention against global
crises epidemics and disasters 5 The Environment – – Baptist Baptist men men to be be better stewards 6 Ministry – – growth of Baptist Baptist Men’s Fellowship in in your nation and the world 7 Financial Support - Baptist men support global
mission 8 God’s Intervention to to stop the the persecution of Christians
across the world Sample Program
Opening Prayer Welcome
Greetings (On behalf of of the the BWA &
other church bodies) Introduction of of Guest Speaker
Main Address
Collection of of offering (to be sent to to the BWA Men’s Dept ) PRAYER SERVICE
Praise &
Prayers (you may wish to to sing choruses between prayers)
• Include Include prayers prayers for topics shown on this guide
• Include Include prayers prayers specific to to the needs of your country and region
• Join in in the the the communal Prayer Heard Around the the the World at at the the appropriate time Hymn
Closing Remarks Prayer &
Men’s Groups around the world are encour- aged to to repeat the the prayer below together at at 11:00 a a a a m m and and make telephone and and video links where possible in a a a time of corporate prayer National Baptist Convention Of America Int’l Inc Brotherhood
National Baptist Convention Of America Int’l Inc Brotherhood
National Baptist Convention Of America Int’l Inc Brotherhood

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