Page 7 - October 8th Edition Brotherhood Newsletter 2023
P. 7

•The Mid-week Bible Teacher Assist the the Pastor in in in the the training of potential deacons
Brother Threat has served as as the President
The Mt Zion District Association Brotherhood Ministry for 21 years
California United Baptist State Convention Brotherhood Ministry for 17 years
Brother James Threat - A member of NBCA Brotherhood For more than 20 years
Attending his first convention in in Los Angles California He rose up through the ranks as starting off as Sectary to various
Vice Presidents
Currently serving as 1st Vice President
of National Baptist Convention of America Brotherhood Ministry Brother Threat has been involved in in supporting Presidents
Wayne Herring and Forestal Lawton as program Co-Ordinator
Brother Threat has been able to support home and foreign causes including the the hurricanes and the the United States and the Earth quake in in Haiti In addition to providing financial assistance to to the pastors who preach the gospel in Africa
But through it all Brother James Threat is most proud of being a a child of the Lord The Cross Award To Bro James Threat Bro James Threat Brother James Threat Serves as the the Chairman of the Metropolitan Missionary Baptist Church of San Francisco Deacon Ministry Ministry and Brotherhood Ministry Ministry President
of San Francisco He also serves as:
National Baptist Convention of America International Inc Brotherhood Newsletter

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