Page 2 - New Era Newsletter 2nd Edition updated
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New Era Progressive Missionary Baptist State Convention of Alabama Inc New Missionary Baptist State Convention of Alabama Inc Message from the President
It is an an honor and a a a a privilege for me me to greet all the members of New Era Progressive Missionary Baptist State Convention of Alabama during these most difficult times We are indeed blessed by God’s grace and and mercy as as He has navigated us through this pandemic It is is wonderful to to realize how good the Lord has been to to this Convention His hand of mercy has been upon us us continuously May we we give thanks unto Him for His goodness and mercy As we we prepare to to come together again in in in His name so that we can carry out the the King’s agenda I am overjoyed with excitement and jubilation! For the past
years New Era Progressive Missionary Baptist State Convention of Alabama has been sharing and spreading the the good news of of the the Gospel of of Jesus Christ With each new new generation our convention has been actively engaged in in in in in extremely passionate ways in in in in in mission in in in in in evangelism and in in in in in teaching the supremacy of of God in in all all things for the joy of of all all people through Jesus Christ We can celebrate a a a a a a long legacy of Christians service service and traditions based upon vibrant worship services zealous religious training and sustained outreach services that have have uplifted those who have have found themselves counted among the the least the the last and lost Facing Our Trials
The question is not if we we will will face face trials trials but when will will we we face face our trials trials We live in a a a a a a fallen world with the the darkness of sin present everywhere It is is no surprise what we witnessed on January 6th - the the insurrection by people of this country against the the Capital where Congress was carrying out their constitutional responsibility If those those individuals of of our congress had to face trials then those those of of us who follow Jesus Jesus Christ will experience hardships oppositions and trials of every kind Jesus Jesus Himself warned His disciples that that in this world they would have tribulation What sets Christians apart is is is is is not that that we we we do not have problems but the the way we we we face them How we we we respond to our our trials will determine our our outcome James 1:2-4 (KJV)
2 My brethren count it all all joy when ye fall into divers temptations 3 Knowing this that the trying of your faith worketh patience 4 But let patience have her perfect perfect work that ye may be perfect perfect and entire wanting nothing James who is is the the the the half-brother of of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ became the the the the leader of of the the the the Jerusalem church Flavius Josephus first-century historian records that James was martyred in A D 62 He is is writing to believers who are experiencing various trials of life It is is true that there are times when our faith is is tested God allows these tests to to come not to to defeat us but so that we can overcome them The word word for for testing is the the the same word word used for for the the the process by which silver or gold is refined by fire These trials help to purify our faith and strengthen it it Testing also shows whether our faith is genuine or not Do we truly trust in in God?
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