Page 25 - FDCC_AgingParents
P. 25

 When I reach a goal, get an award, or need a pep talk, I think of my parents, and their memories seem to set me back on track. I also believe they continue to guide my career and cheer on my success.
(especially my kids) visited him as much as possible. For the next year, whenever I was not out of town for work, or one of our kids did not have a practice or game, we visited Papa Tom. It took a toll on my family and my ability to concentrate on my career fully. I was constantly exhausted and felt guilty that I was falling short with family, friends, and my career.
My sweet father finally succumbed to his ailments and passed away three years ago. Before he went to hospice, our final real conversation was that he was so proud of me and that I was an excellent daughter and support to him and my mother. He knew I loved him and that I would do anything for him and my mom. I am thankful for his words and will carry them with me always. Following their passing, I am left with a giant hole in my heart, but with the knowledge that they were my foundation, and I have both of them to
thank for my success. When I reach a goal, get an award, or need a pep talk, I think of my parents, and their memories seem to set me back on track. I also believe they continue to guide my career and cheer on my success. I hope that I can do this for my children and will do my best to live a healthier lifestyle so that, hopefully, they will not lose me too early as I did my parents.
Mara Cohara is a Partner with Lathrop GPM in Kansas City, MO. Contact her at:

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