Page 13 - Blue Valley Schools Teacher Recruitment
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Blended Learning and Innovation
• 1:Learner Initiative – Powering Up BV by providing each student a device and access to high quality technology platforms.
• Elementary students and teachers have access to many devices that promote creativity, collaboration and differentiated learning (iPad carts, SMARTboards, laptops, VR goggles, etc).
• Blue Valley middle school students receive a Google Chromebook with touchscreen and laptop capabilities, while high school students receive a MacBook Air that they can take home. Blue Valley elementary students receive an iPad or Chromebook that stays at school.
• Students are connected to their learning tools anytime, anywhere, through the district’s secure, online learning management system, Canvas.
• Blue Valley encourages Blended Learning, an instructional practice that allows teachers to transform and personalize learning by leveraging technology.
• In 2016-17, Blue Valley’s Center for Advanced Professional Studies (CAPS) was named an exemplar school by The Partnership for 21st Century Learning (P21) for successfully transforming student learning through innovative practices.
• Blue Valley’s Instructional Design Coaches and Technology Integration Specialists provide teachers hands-on professional learning and support to enhance the use of technologies and tools in their academic practice.
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Johnson County/Kansas City Highlights
Employee Benefifits and Wellbeing/Blended Learning and Innovation