Page 40 - 2020 BPS Year Book
P. 40
Pink Shirt Day, Tabloid Day, Gumboot Day - It
felt amazing to find out you are going to help the school and be part of making kids have fun at school.
- Addisen Ferris
I liked being a whanau leader because we got to get involved with things and be a leader and help people have an amazing time at Whanau Time.
- Ollie Johnstone-Bentley
I liked being a whanau leader because we got to plan and organise lots of fun days and help out at assemblies by handing out awards; the best thing about a whanau leader is to have amazing responsibilities.
- Sienna Corner
I liked being a whanau leader because I had a fun time hanging out with other kids and teachers and handing out awards at assemblies - it is great to have fun jobs.
- James Moore
I enjoyed being a whanau leader because I enjoyed setting up activities and handing out
special awards. - Conor Hines
I liked that you got lots of responsibilities and I had lots of fun organising stuff and just generally being a leader of the whole school. - Ryan Lapuste
I loved the opportunity of leadership in our
school - I liked that we got to lead Whanau Roopu and getting to know my whanau more and creating opportunities for games that they
would like.
- Minerva Armstrong
Thank you to our AMAZING Whanau Leaders for all of their organisation and enthusiasm they put into helping to make
BPS an incredible place to learn and play in 2020.
enalrafcaM ycuL dna erooM semaJ arohoT
etsupaL nayR dna sirreF nesiddA iruaK
seniH ronoC dna renroC anneiS aratauT
yeltneB-enotsnhoJ eillO dna gnortsmrA avreniM ukutoK