Page 78 - 2020 BPS Year Book
P. 78
On the flying fox at Year 6 Camp 2020, we sat in this small tyre and then it went so fast down a big hill. Then we smashed into the water like someone jumping into a pool. It was amazing! - James
At Year 5 Camp I was in a kayak and Nikita sat on my foot. I yelped out in pain and capsized it on purpose. She was so annoyed she splashed me with water but it didn't effect me because I was already soaking.
- Katerina
At Camp at School Night my friends and I wore green curly wigs that we bought at The Warehouse and we made a club called
The Green Beans. We had so much fun =) - Asha
At my second disco at school I was waiting to hear the award for the best dancer, someone announced the award for the best dancer is Phillip Cox! I was so happy that I
could scream. - Phillip
One lunchtime me and my friends were going down a hill on a plastic truck.
I hit my friend's truck, we both went flying off and rolled down the hill and hit the hard ground.
- Dylan
When I first started school,
I did not know that when the bell rang for morning tea
or lunch it meant to go outside and play (instead I stayed inside). My other favourite
memory was when we were at Year 6 Camp I got a bullseye on my last try.
- Josh
In Year 5 we went to Waterwise and went kayaking. The warm toasty sun mirrored on the calm sapphire sea making it look like
the stars in the midnight sky. My hair floated on the soft
breeze. Ahhhh! It was so relaxing to listen to mother nature’s tranquil orchestra! - Leonna
At Year 6 Camp we were all at the duck pond having lots of fun...! Everything at school camp was fun.
- Isla
In 2019 I was in Room 20 it was my favourite year at BPS. It was really fun because Mrs Saunders let us listen to music while we worked. She is the best teacher in the school so we were lucky.
- Lucien
In Year 5, at the Camp at School Night Talent Show my heart was pounding louder than thunder. Then my name was called and when I started to sing I knew that everything was going to be okay.
- Larissa