Page 81 - 2020 BPS Year Book
P. 81
Learning that sometimes people you don't know can turn out to be your
best friends.
- Camila Pineda Moris
The best thing at BPS was gymnastics because it was so fun and gave me so much joy.
- Girisha Raju
The best thing I enjoyed learning is how to get along with everyone and make new best friends and from that, everyday of my school life was AWESOME!!!! :)
- Kiki Su
The best thing was getting to know my friends and teachers better.
- Jasmine Potter
I learnt that friendship That I can achieve
is one of the best things whatever I put my mind to!
in life!
- Eloise Lyle
- Mia Matsumoto-Cross
The best thing I learnt while I was at BPS was sound waves get made by vibrations.
- Cronan Dooley
The most interesting things I learnt at BPS were how to make friends and being able to make interesting creations.
- Riley Sinnock
The best thing I learnt was friends can become so close that they become your family.
- Natasha Weinstock
The best thing about BPS was making new friends and being kind and caring to everyone! - Anna Le Nguyen
The best things I learnt while I was at BPS were the right rules of Gang Up,
Octopus, Bull-rush and Tag. It's super fun playing competitively with my friends now.
- Seth Fairhall