Page 12 - November2021
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Page 12 NEWFOUNDLAKELIFE.COM November 2021
Plans for the annual fund- raising event to “Keep the Heat On” (KTHO), a well-known fi- nancial home heating fuel assis- tance program of the Plymouth Area Community Closet (PACC) are well underway. The popu- lar auction and raffle event will be hosted and live streamed from the Squam Lakes Science Center in Holderness on a soon to be de- termined January 2022 date.
The KTHO committee orga- nizes this annual appeal for dona- tions on behalf of the Plymouth Area Community Closet (PACC) in their mission to assist our re- gion’s needy families. Residents eligible for support are those living in one of the 15 commu-
 Plans for “Keep the Heat On” Fundraiser Underway
nities served by the PACC. (Al- exandria, Ashland, Bridgewater, Ellsworth, Campton, Dorches- ter, Groton, Plymouth, Rumney, Hebron, Holderness, Waterville Valley, Thornton, Wentworth, and Warren).
The State of New Hamp- shire’s Fuel Assistance Program helps families some, but it does not include funds for other es- sentials. With continually in- creasing costs for necessities like food, clothes and prescription drugs many PACC fuel assis- tance clients need additional aid. Consequently, KTHO donations are also authorized to benefit PACC’s other programs. Martha Richards, a seasoned member
of the KTHO committee said that KTHO has raised and dis- tributed over $400,000. 00 over the past 16 years. This funding enables PACC to sustain a robust home heating fuel assistance pro- gram (oil, propane, wood, pel- lets) and expand support for the PACC Food Depot. PACC pro- vides an average of 200 families per month assistance to obtain fresh meat, vegetables, and fruit through its Food Depot.
For many years, proceeds from ticket sales to a gala dinner and combined auction and raffle event generated the operating funds for KTHO. Last year, due to COVID pandemic restrictions the dinner party was cancelled.
Instead, the KTHO committee created and sold tickets to its first “UnEvent”, a presentation of the auction and raffle broadcast in real time over the Internet. Due to the persistent pandemic lim- itations, KTHOs key 2022 fund- raiser excludes a sizeable social gathering, but the “UnEvent” will once again be hosted from the Squam Lakes Science Cen- ter. Many local artisans, restau- rants, and other businesses are donating exclusive items for the auction and raffle. Tickets for the KTHO “UnEvent” will be on sale soon for $ 45.00. Your purchased ticket automatically enters you into the raffle, and bids for auction items will be ac-
cepted online during the live web telecast. More detailed KTHO information is coming soon, so watch this space!
The KTHO volunteer com- mittee partners with the Plym- outh Area Community Closet in their continued mission to aid our neighbors. Keep the Heat On—and the assistance it helps provide—is entirely non-parti- san.
PACC is located at 5 South Main Street, Plymouth. Fuel As- sistance is available by phone on Tuesdays and Thursdays 9 am to Noon, tel 603-536-1101. The PACC Food Depot is open Tues- days and Thursdays 8am-10 am, tel 603-536-9889.
Buy Your 2022 New Hampshire Wildlife Calendar Today
 The beautiful 2022 New Hampshire Wildlife Calendar is now available from the New Hampshire Fish and Game De- partment. The 2021 edition sold
out, so don’t miss this oppor- tunity to get ready for another gift-giving season and a promis- ing New Year.
This award-winning calendar
features close-up images of na- tive wildlife and includes hunting, fishing, and recreational season dates for the Granite State. The 2022 New Hampshire Wildlife
state’s natural resources for all to enjoy.
Visit www. shop/calendar. html to pur- chase calen- dars online and enjoy free ship- ping. Or you
can stop by the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department, 11 Hazen Drive in Concord, NH, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
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