Page 2 - FEB2021
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Page 2 Community
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outh to meet the grant writer, Samantha Hooper, and her in- credible supporter, her employer, Mid-State Health. The Quar- antine Boxes are a two-week supply of food for a family of 4. If you test positive for COVID, no matter where you have the testing done, you can come to Mid-State and they will load you up with two weeks of groceries to get you through the quaran- tine period. This helps the fam- ily who is in need, due to testing positive, and the community as it allows for those who have tested positive to go straight home and not go shopping for essentials for the quarantine.
Samantha has been work- ing for Mid-State Health for 18 months, starting in July 2019. Her role is Communications Coordinator. Among the many hats she wears two of them (co- ordinate the food security pro- gram and special projects), gave her the idea of the Quarantine Boxes. Hooper stated, “Mid- State has a food security pro-
February 2021
When I got this, I was so relieved that we were able to actually do something about it.”
When Governor Sununu came to Mid-State Health to see this initiative and meet its creator, when talking to this re- porter, he referred to the focus of his inaugural address that he would be making the following evening - “2021 will not be bet- ter simply because we want it to be. It's not going to be better simply because we wish it to be. 2021 will only be better if we're willing to look in the mirror and first initiate that change within ourselves.” Samantha Hooper, her supervisors, and the entire staff at Mid-State Health are making strides to be a part of that change for our community. Without her looking in the mir- ror, seeing her own light, facing her fear of failing and taking the chance to ask to do it, along with her employer supporting her try- ing it; this program would only have been a fleeting thought or a wish instead of an important part of serving our community.
gram, Feed the Need, that allows patients 3 days-worth of food. Once the pandemic hit, it was apparent that food security was just going to be a growing prob- lem that was here to stay.
We saw people coming in that didn’t have enough food for a day, never mind two if they had to quaran- tine. We began thinking of how we can do more.”
When the grant op- portunity showed up, through the NH CARES
Act approved by Gover-
nor Sununu, Hooper saw
the perfect opportunity. Never having written a
grant before, she went to
her supervisor, Wendy Williams, Grants and Pro- gramming Director with
her idea. “She gave me
both the approval and en- couragement to go for the grant. As well as Audrey Goudie who is the Director of Marketing, Com- munication, and Philanthropy. Although it was a big idea, they both gave me the encourage- ment and support to make it happen.” And make it happen,
she did! “We have given out over 15 boxes to families in need! And more calls are coming in every day. Patient or not, we are excited to see so many choosing
of the shining lights in the com- munity. Without the approval and encouragement of her su- pervisors/mentors and Mid- State Health, that light would
not have shined. Some companies may have told her to stay within her job description or not even try for it, but with the sup- port of her employer she went for it and succeeded. Much to the appreciation of those that are bene- fitting from this fabulous program. When asked, “What was your excite- ment level when you got the notice the grant had been approved?” Hooper was quick to respond,” I was so so excited... and relieved to be honest! We had been seeing patients without enough food
during COVID testing, and al- though we have a food security program, it just wasn’t enough to help people really stay in quar- antine. I mean especially for the people who rely on food pantries and such, it’s so hard to come up with two entire weeks of food.
to utilize our program to keep others safe by staying inside. “, Hooper had excitedly reported when asked how it was going.
Having stepped out of her comfort zone and attempting to do something she has never done before; she has become one