Page 13 - Harviestoun Brochure 2018
P. 13
In the beginning
In 1983 we got permission to convert a disused steading into a small brewery and using a mash tun formerly used to make jam, started to put Harviestoun beers into production.
It’s only right that Harvie the mouse stamps his authority onto the bottle tops and labels of Harviestoun beers. After all, he stamped his authority in our first storeroom, or
his larder as he would call it, every time he snuck in and pilfered away some of our precious grains for his tea.
At Harviestoun today we still love characters with Courage, Perseverance and a bit of cheek so we’ve kept his memory alive by making him our mascot.
Our people today...
What makes Harviestoun so special is our amazing team. From the engine room gang and the brew crew, to the sales team and the suits, we’re all absolutely mad about our brewery and the incredible beer we lovingly make.
Sláinte Harvie, the wee mouse with a brave heart.