Page 4 - Harviestoun Core Range Fact Pages
P. 4

  Masters of the Craft
bitter & twisted
Zesty • Aromatic • Citrus
Bitter and Twisted is an easy drinking, refreshingly lively Golden Ale with a tingly, lemon finish. There is some caramel malt for a hint of sweetness, along with oats to add some body to the brew. The beautiful fruit aromas come from a delicate balance of Hersbrucker, Celeia, Perle and Bobek hops.
This is the connoisseur’s session beer par excellence, saint and sinner in
one bottle.Formats Available
Can Bottle Cask Keg
330ml 330ml & 500ml
For further information please contact your BDM, or @HarviestounBrew
Tel: +44 (0) 1259 769 100 | harviestounbrewery

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