Page 114 - Countrysmart Nr 2-2021
P. 114

 Here we have a bohemian bedroom inspired by the music legend, Jimi Hen- drix. This iconic figure was not only known for his music but also his fashion style. Typical of the bohemian interior trend, Jimi loved to mix textures, colours and patterns in his clothing which can also be seen in the London flat where he once lived.
To design Jimi’s modern boho abode we have incorporated sty- ling that is quintessential of this trend by clashing prints, layering textures, mixing shapes, combing multiple colours, adding fring- ing, and including furniture that is lower to the ground.
Jimi’s fashion was also known for its gender fluidity which we have incorporated into our design by using both feminine and masculine colours. We believe the result is a beautiful room perfect for any gen- der in the 21st century.

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