Page 99 - Countrysmart - december 2022
P. 99

 Kåseholm’s Northern
Vid ett av sina många besök i Sydafrika kom Jamie White och Joakim Silvandersson i kontakt med Juanita Oosthuizen. Ett år senare var hon på plats med ett urval av sina verk hos Northern Exposure Design Center på Kåseholms Slott.
Kåseholm’s Northern Exposure Design Center is an evolving venue for emerging and established art and design, theatre and music, both within historic barns and the larger surrounding landscape. Kåseholm is proud to host interior and exterior de- sign, unique and vintage furnished showrooms, as well as stu- dios for emerging artists and designers to explore new proces- ses and the horizons of their fields. Current exhibitions include the dynamic paintings of Italian artist Paolo Troilo, Österlen resident Håkan Berg and large-scale vessels in clay by Belgian studio Atelier Vierkant. Upcoming exhibitions will focus on new collaborations with South African and African artists. Vi- sits are by appointment only.
   Exposure Design Center

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