Page 3 - Vibrant Living Scrapbook
P. 3
Dear Residents/Householders,
This workbook is designed with you at the forefront of our minds. Our goal is to foster a vibrant home life that is resident- centered and directed; to ensure everything done for and with you is personalized to your tastes. Thus, this workbook is written to you. You of all people should have a say in designing a vibrant daily home life that suits you as individuals and as a collective household.
Our book has large layout and print for easy reading. We’ve designed it like a scrapbook to spark your creativity in developing a vibrant home life together with your housemates, family members and those who work where you live. We hope you use
it often. Please don’t let it become just another coffee table book that sits there rarely opened.
Dear Staff,
We want to encourage you in your journey of creating a vibrant daily home life for those who live where you work. In keeping with the culture change premise of truly individualized, resident- centered, and most importantly, resident-directed care, our workbook is addressed to your resident householders.
But please also use it yourselves to support your roles as caregivers. Especially encourage residents and their families to flip through it for ideas and discussion starters. There is no certain order for reading – each page alone is meant to prompt ideas
and honest discussion. We would love your feedback as you and your residents turn it into a tattered and torn, well-used tool for defining and designing a vibrant daily home life.

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