Page 1 - Exhibit No. 10 Samples of student projects
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                                                                                                                    WAYS OF HIV TRANSMISSION ON
                                                                                                                     WAYS OF HIV TRANSMISSI
                                                              83,755                         96%        out      TESTED GET TESTED GET TEGET TESTED GET TESTED GE
                                                                                             OR  46,483  of
                                                             total diagnosed cases                     48,314    TESTED GET TESTED GET TESTEDSTED GET TESTED GE
                                                             since January 1984             4%           people   TESTED GET TESTEDGET TESTED GET TESTED GET TESTE
                                                                                                                         SEXUAL CONTACT CT
                                                                                                                         SEXUAL CONTA
               H I
               H I V V                A I D S S                      ncr                    OR  46,1831   with HIV  GET TESTED GET TESTED GET TESTED GET TESTED GE
                                      A I D
                                                                                                                                        PREGNANCY CY
                                                                       with 364
                                                                       (41%) cases                     as of 2021  TESTED GET TESTED GET TESTED GET TESTED GET TESTE
                                                                         97%                                     GET TESTED GET TESTED GET TESTED GET TESTED GE
                                                                                                                            CHILDBIRTH TH
                    HUMAN           ACQUIRED                                                69,629
              This virus only infects  AIDS  is acquired and not         infected by                             TESTED GET TESTED GET TESTED GET TESTED GET TESTE
                                                                         sexual contact
                                                                                                                                      SYRINGE USA
                   human beings.      inherited from parents.                               AIDS  cumulative cases                    SYRINGE USAGE GE
                                                                                                     since 1984  GET TESTED GET TESTED GET TESTED GET TESTED GE
                   IMMUNO            IMMUNO                                                                      TESTED  GET  TESTED  GET  TESTED  GET  TESTED  GE
                                                                                                                          WORK EXPOSURE RE
                                                                                                                          WORK EXPOSU
              DEFICIENCY             DEFICIENCY                                                                  TESTEDGET TESTED GET TESTED GET TESTED GET TESTE
                                                                                                                                     BLOOD TRANSFU
                                                                                                                                     BLOOD TRANSFUSE SE
                                                                           B R E A K K
                                                                           B R E A
               A state in which the  All organs and cells that   HIV HIV  STATISTICS IN PHILIPPINES              GET TESTED GET TESTED GET TESTED GET TESTED GE
           immune system's ability  work to fight off infection                                                  TESTED GET TESTED GET TESTED GET TESTED GET TESTE
                                                                    STATISTICS IN PHILIPPINES
                                                                                 T H
                 to fight infectious  or disease (body's                         T H E E
                                                                                                                        P r
                                                                                                                                     v e n t i o
             diseases and cancer is  immune system is                                                            GE     P r e e v e n t i o n n
                                                                       C h a i n
           compromised or entirely  compromised, lacking, or
                                                                                                                i s   b e t t e t h a n   c u r e
                          absent.   entirely absent.                  C h a i n                                 i s   b e t t e r r t h a n   c u r e ! !
                                                                       G E T   T E S T E D
                                                                       G E T   T E S T E D ! !
                       VIRUS SYNDROME                      GET TESTED GET TESTED GET TESTED GET TESTED GET         A
                                                                         AND SYMPTOMS
                                                                          AND SYMPTOMS
                                                                                             V A L E N A
                                                                                                                          B S T I N E N C E E
             A virus is an infectious  A collection of                    P R E P A R E D B Y : K A R L I V A N R ..  V A L E N A  B S T I N E N C
               agent that can only  symptoms and signs of a  TESTED GET TESTED GET TEGET TESTED GET TESTED GET
                                                                          P R E P A R E D B Y : K A R L I V A N R
             replicate within a host  disease.             TESTED GET TESTED GET TESTEDSTED GET TESTED GET                   Abstain from sex unless you have a  B
                                                                                                                             monogamous partner.
                                                           TESTED GET TESTEDGET TESTED GET TESTED GET TESTED
           What are HIV and AIDS?                          GET TESTED GET TESTED GET TESTED GET TESTED GET         C         Hence, is for Be faithful to your
                                                                                                                                   F A I T H F U L   E
                                                                                                                                   F A I T H F U L   E
                                                                                          Many HIV+ people do not
             A virus that destroy and  AIDS is the most    TESTED GET TESTED GET TESTED GET TESTED GET TESTED                monogamous partner.
                                                                                          have symptoms. They don't
             impairs cells.           advanced stage of HIV.                              look or feel sick. Often people
                                                           GET TESTED GET TESTED GET TESTED GET TESTED GET                  O N D O M
                                                                                          only begin to feel sick when
                                                                                          they progress towards aids.
                                                                                                                            O N D O M
             It is possible to be     A medical condition       Within 2-4                                                  Be responsible during  intercourse. Know how
             infected with HIV        often resulting in life-  TESTED GET TESTED GET TESTED GET TESTED GET TESTED  C and when to use it.             D
                                                                weeks after
             without developing       threatening illnesses     exposure to HIV,
                                                                many, but not
             AIDS.                                         GET TESTED GET TESTED GET TESTED GET TESTED GET
                                                                all, people who
                                                                are infected
                                                           TESTED  GET  TESTED  GET  TESTED  GET  TESTED  GET          Don’t re-use needles. Don't do drugs.
                                                                                                                            F O R G E T     T ' N O
                                                                                                                            F O R G E T     T ' N O
                                                                experience flu
             Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is the   like symptoms,                                       E
                                                                                                                       Get tested.
                                                                often described
             final stage of HIV infection. People at this stage of  TESTEDGET TESTED GET TESTED GET TESTED GET TESTED
                                                                                          If you think you may have
                                                                as the "worst flu
             HIV disease have bodily changed immune systems,    ever".                    been exposed to HIV -
                                                                                          regardless of whether you
             which put them at risk for opportunistic infections.  GET TESTED GET TESTED GET TESTED GET TESTED GET         D U C A T E
                                                                                          have experienced any
                                                                                                                            D U C A T E
                                                                                          symptoms - it is important to     Cntinue to learn about prevention and
                                                           TESTED GET TESTED GET TESTED GET TESTED GET TESTED               treatment breakthroughs.
                                                                                          get tested as soon as possible.

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