Page 14 - Financial Workbook
P. 14

  Financial Statements
You now have 90 days of your financial activity, income, and spending. This is very important in determining the next step, which is to complete a financial statement. A financial statement is simply a snapshot of all your finances on a specific date. It is a very useful tool in helping you reach your goals . 
• If you don’t have any debt, use the Financial Statement form below.
• If you are wanting to pay off debt, go to page 15 for the “Financial Statement with a Debt
Financial To Do’s   
Financial Statement (Assets and Liabilities)  Select a Scripture application
You will need your credit report to begin completing this form.  
 1. In the first part, you will list all the things that you own (Assets).  You may have to estimate some of the items for now. 
2. In the second part, you will list everything you owe (liabilities/debt).  It is important to list every debt, regardless of how much is owed, so be truthful, both to yourself and with your coach.  That way you can truly say that you have provided facts, not fiction. 
Did You Know...
One of the earliest examples of an asset statement is found in Ezra Chapter 1, when King
Cyrus brought out all of the inventory that belonged to the temple of the Lord.  Each item of value was listed and counted (30 gold dishes, 1,000 silver dishes, 29 silver pans, 30 gold bowls, 410 matching silver
  bowls, and 1,000 other articles).   
Ezra 1:10 (NIV)   

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