Page 20 - 2019_CFS_AnnualReport
P. 20
Michael and Kathleen Goldberger
Malia J Goodwin
Greysmith Companies
Erica L Guerrero
Scott Haggerty
David Bone and Patricia Hallacy
Daniel Harrop
Kevin and Karen Harrop
Andy Hebert
Roger A Heroux
Leila Hill
Anthony Hollingshead
Mary Housley
Hunter Insurance Inc Howard and Ann Huntoon
Mark Iorfida
Donna Isabella
Rick Jackson
Christina Jameson and Robert Bloom
Glenda Jeffrey
Jill Caslowitz and Family
John N Calvino Law Associates
Kathleen Jones
Phillip and Gretchen Jurgeleit
Karen M M M Mega DMD
Arthur and Dorothea Kazianis
Michelle Keenan
Catherine Kelleher
Rich and Claudia Kerbel
Robert and Eileen Koshgarian
Nancy Kotchko
Mallory Kuno
Anne LaFrance
John J J J J J Landers Jr and and Jasper J J J J J Lawson
David and Cathleen Laverty
Michele Lederberg
Monica Leeming and Ken Vale
Mintz Levin Joseph Lezon
Lincoln Pest & Property Solutions
Joseph Lipchitz
Maarten Broess DDS DMSc DMD
Judy Mancini Jeffrey
B Mansolillo
Patricia and Gabriel Martinez
Don and Sharon Mayer
Kimberly I McCarthy Esq and Family
Davis McClarren
Michael and Marie McGlynn
Michael McGlynn
Leo and Cheryl McNamara
Ellen Meigs James Miller
Morgan Stanley Wealth Management
Bahjat and Zoila Morse
Barbara L Morse
John C Mosesian
Dhamarys Murillo
Laura Napolitano
Narragansett Bay Wheelman Inc Eduardo E E and Anny Naya Network for Good Deborah Neves
New Level Nutrition Club Suzanne Ney
Lisa Nolan Linda Nolin
Fred and Theresa Norman
North End Community Action Committee
North-Eastern Tree Service Inc Wendy Oliver
Maryellen O’Mahony
Laura and Kenneth Otzel
Michael Paquette
George and Elizabeth Parkhurst
John and Regina Partridge
Eric Patey
Teresa Patton
Jay Peabody
Joshua Perry
Louise Pesare
Stefan Petrella
Peter and Sheri Phillips
Janusz Pietrusinski
Providence Public Library
Michael and Barbara Puddicombe
James Queenan
R A Lavoie & Son Mason Contractors
Tara Rachels-Lamb
Ellie and Steve Rappoport
Re Antiques & Interiors
Christopher Reilly
Rhode Island KIDS COUNT
Jennifer L Rianna
Roberta E Richman
Kathleen Robinson
Sandra Robinson
Allison Rowland
Stephen Ryder
Saccoccio & Associates
Saint Elizabeth Home
John and Kathleen Samolis
Narcisa Sanchez
Saul Ewing Arnstein & Lehr LLP
Doreen Scanlon and Parker Gavigan
Linda Sears
Secret Beauty Spa LLC
Donald Sheehan
James Sheridan
Kimberly Shockley
Peter and Jane Shuman
Daniel Siejak
Sierra Vending Services Inc Mark D Simpson Esq Sliney Chiropractic Eric Smith
Karen Smith
Roberta and Michael Soucy
Anne and Christopher Spaight
Luther and Kathryn Spoehr
SRU Inc Donald and Gail St Peter Lisa Stober
Randy and and Deana Stoloff
Christine Sullivan
Rachel Sullivan
Superior Electric Company Inc Synet Inc Carol Tashjian
Michi Tashjian
Deborah Tate Esq Touro Fraternal Association General Fund
Town of Coventry
Kevin P Tracy
T’s Restaurant Group Inc Roseanne M Upchurch
Henry and Lillian Urban
Rani Vails
Charles and Susan Vecchi
Verizon Foundation
Nancy Vezza
Claudia E Villa
Mary Villani
Stephanie Vito
Richard and Rebecca Wade
Richard and Mary Wakefield
Mary B Wall
Leif Walther
Audrey Waterman
John and Carolyn Weiss Westerly Enterprises Cynthia Wilson-Frias David Wizer
World Trophies Company Yorker Shoes Inc Michele Yun and Family
Under $100
3G Deli Group Corporation
Lisa Afonso Lynes
Cristina Afonso-Gore
Altino and Filamena Aguiar
Elizabeth and Edward Ahern
Vanessa Albanese
Flabia Almonte
Lauren Amaral AmazonSmile Foundation
Carol Anderheggen
Olivia Anderson Tanya Anderson Jane Andrade
Paula Andreasen Dorothy Andrus Angelo’s Pizza Dayle Ankrom Jeffrey
Ankrom Roseann E Anthony Julie Aponte
Sonia Arboleda
Marilyn A A Archibald Aleika Arias
Briceida Arrubla
A A Asfura
Leslie A’Vant
Jason Avelar Christopher Bailey ChFC Katy Baldwin
Marjorie Ball
Ann and Philip Barber Paul Barry
Vielka Batista
Donna Batty
Nancy and Burton Batty
Yulen L Bautista