Page 19 - 2019_CFS_AnnualReport
P. 19
Christopher and Suzanne Hinckley
Mary Jane and and Scott Holland
James Horan
Stephanie Horridge and Joseph Gould
Eva C Hulse-Avila and Tomas A A A Avila Avila Howard Huntoon
Wendy Ingram
Mark Iorfida
Donna Isabella
Anthony Jacques
Christina Jameson and Robert Bloom
Rosemarie Kavanagh
Arthur and Dorothea Kazianis
Claudia Kenney
Bailey Kent
Rich and Claudia Kerbel
Daniel Kertzner
Katherine Killilea
Jennifer Kiluk
Alice Knight
Lisa Knight
Nancy Kotchko
Stanley J J Kuziel Jr Donald Lacasse
Nancy and Robert LaChance
Cheryl Lancellotta
Raymond and Susan Larkin
Jennifer Leigh
Liberty Mutual Foundation
Mark Lima
Lincoln High School and Tyler McNulty
Lewis and Edna Lipsitt
John and Mary-Kathryn Lynch
Martha Mahony
Judy Mancini
Kathleen and Robert Marco
Donald and Joyce Marshall
Robert Martel
Patricia and Gabriel Martinez
Christine Mathias
Don and Sharon Mayer
Travis McDermott
Brian McGinnis
Kieran McGlynn
Michael and Marie McGlynn
Susan McLinden
Michael McMorrow
Leo and Cheryl McNamara
Ann Marie Mendes
Leda Michaud
Carmen A Mirabal
Sean Moran
Ronald Morin
Jennifer Muroff
Sean Murray n|e|m|d architects inc Laura Napolitano Eduardo and Anny Naya Network for Good Anh Nguyen
Fred and Theresa Norman Nancy and Emilio Notarantonio
John Nunes
Old Navy #64330
One Simple Wish Laura and Kenneth Otzel
Mary Palumbo
Rebecca Paquette
Diane and Brian Pendergast
Louise Pesare
Timothy and Paula Petit
Peter and Sheri Phillips
Lyndalu Pieranunzi
Richard and Judith Poccia
Janice Pollard
Sandra Powell
Providence Lions Club
Michael and Barbara Puddicombe
Liliana Ramos
Ellie and Steve Rappoport
Razumny Family Beth Reynolds
Craig and Sarah Richardson
Jill Richardson
Coppolino Roberta E Richman Cynthia A Roberts
Helen Rotella
Donald and Wilma Round Robert and Nicole Rull Randall Sacilotto
Narcisa Sanchez
James and Lisa Savickas
Paul Savickas
Duane and Mary Schmidt
Celia Schnacky
Matthew Scungio
Mariana and James Sequeira
Christopher and Giorgia Shaban
Donald Sheehan
Kimberly Shockley
Kristen Silva
Richard and Suzanne Smith
Todd Snodgrass
Amy Sonder
Roberta and Michael Soucy
Anne and Christopher Spaight
Luther and Kathryn Spoehr
Stacey and Ron Stabile Jodi Staplins
State Street
TJ and Debbi Steen Neil Steinberg
Pamela Stenberg
Raymond and Dianne Stewart
Lisa Stober
Randy and and Deana Stoloff
Strengthening Family Foundations LLC
Christine Sullivan
Jane Swenson
Christopher and Tejal Tarro
Carol Tashjian
Michi Tashjian
Barbara Thurston John C C C Tickner CPCU Patty Tinnell
Town of Coventry
Joseph Trudeau
Paula M Turano Gurney
Christina-Jo and Richard Turcotte
Henry and Lillian Urban Urban Flowers LLC
Kenneth Vale Jean C C Van Couyghen Kate Vander Wiede Samantha Vasques Nancy Vezza
Kelli Viera
Stephanie Vito
Geneva Washington
Samantha Westmoreland
Cynthia Wilson-Frias
David Wizer
Noah Wizer-Vecchi and Christine Cheung
Christine E Young
UP TO $100 Anonymous Donor (64)
AAA Northeast Charitable Fund at at the the Rhode Island Foundation
David Aballo
Jennifer Abdel-Samed
Tiara Adducie
Henry and Olajumoke Adenekan
Lisa Afonso Lynes
Cristina Afonso-Gore
Altino and Filamena Aguiar
Alan Ahlstrom and Elaine Grant
Clarissa Aleman
Christina Allen Megan Allen Cynthia Almazan
Nayrobi Almonte
Lesa Alston
Patricia and Domenic Altieri
Leidy and Chris Alves Shelley Alves Victoria Alves Aleydita Amado AmazonSmile Foundation
Ann Anderson
Carole Anderson
Ralph Anderson
Tanya Anderson
Suzanne Andrews Dorothy Andrus
Joseph and Ann Anesta Sherry Araujo
Sonia Arboleda
Briceida Arrubla
Vincent Asermely Thomas and Nancy Assad Christopher and Michele Aubin
Leslie A’Vant
Michelle Baker
Dina Baldasaro
Christine Balmer
Rosemary Bangs
Bank of America Charitable Foundation
Sandra Banna
Gregory and Maureen Barishian
Trevor Bartley
Gerry Baskin
Vielka Batista
Yulen Bautista
Kasie Beaton
Carrie Beers
Jacquelyn Bell
Jeanette Bell
Shirley Bell
John L Massey and Susan M M Bellaire
Aida Bello-Perez
Eugene Benedetti
Kenneth Bent Bent and Jeanne Jordan Bent Bent Ada Berdecia
Liz Berke-Schlessel Karenlee Bernardo Berenice Betancur Paola Birbuet