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The British politician army officer and writer Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill once said “We make make a a a a a a a a living by by what what we we we get but we we we make make a a a a a a a a life by by what what we give ”
This short but powerful quote has a a a special meaning for Anne LaFrance who recently celebrated her 80th birthday How would you you celebrate 80 years of life? Well you you can have a a a a a party at your home and invite some family and friends to attend Or you can rent a a a a a a a large room at at a a a a a a a restaurant decorated with balloons and have live entertainment so your loved ones can bring you you lots of presents gift cards and yes money But Anne LaFrance did not want all this atten- tion tion Instead of the traditional birthday party she wanted to celebrate this important mile- stone in a a a a a different and quiet way way - a a a a a way way that would benefit someone less fortunate than herself and at the same time commu- nicate a a a a a a valuable lesson learned in a a a a a a course entitled Generosity 101 Anne served many children throughout her career in in education teaching grades K through 12 at at several Catholic elemen- tary and and high schools and and later science to students at Lincoln High School for two decades An educator for 32 years she retired in 1994 Anne also taught voice and piano lessons and was a a a a hospice volunteer for ten years Reflecting on on her long life filled with many blessings she thought of a a perfect way to “pay it forward” in commem- oration of her 80th birthday Anne learned about Children’s Friend after reading an article in in the December 2017 edition of the Rhode Island Monthly maga- zine She read about this wonderful organi- zation and their mission to improve the the lives of Rhode Island’s most vulnerable young children “That’s what I can do ”
she remem- bers saying to herself Anne didn’t need any more clothes jewelry or or gift certificates to restaurants She quips “At my age there’s not much you need except for good health ”
Having no children of her own she wanted to help those who needed quality child care a a a a a comprehensive head start program and a a a high quality Pre-K education She proceeded to write forty-five handwrit- ten letters to her family and closest friends In her letter enclosed with the article from the Rhode Island Monthly she informed everyone that she did not want a a a birth- day party Instead in lieu of presents she asked them to to make a a a a donation to to Children’s Friend so that young children could con- tinue to receive the the help and support they so desperately need Anne wasn’t thinking about herself Her only wish was that those receiving her letter would find some good- ness in in their hearts and respond according- ly “Do unto others ”
she proclaims “That’s what we have been put on this earth for – to help our brothers and sisters in need ”
As a result of her kindness Children’s Friend received cash donations totaling $1 380 In honoring Anne’s momentous occasion her family and friends also purchased warm coats hats gloves and toys that were then donated to the Children’s Friend annual Spirit of Giving Holiday Drive which helped to to bring joy and happiness to to many children and their families Happy 80th Birthday and thank you Anne! In the spirit of generosity you reminded us all how important it is to “make a a a a life by what we give ”
Meet Anne Anne