Page 2 - 2020-2021_CFS_HeadStart_AnnualReport
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Transitions was the the the the the theme theme of of the the the the the (virtual! and and successfully so!) 2021 Rhode Island Head Start Association’s Conference but it it it it would be be fair to to say that transitions have been the the the the the the the the theme theme of of of the the the the the the past year in in in Head Start too We transitioned from from the the the the the the pre-vaccine season of of of the the the the the the COVID-19 COVID-19 pandemic to to to to the the the the the widespread availability of of of COVID-19 COVID-19 vaccines from from mostly-virtual visits back
to to to to the the the the the the beginnings of of of normalcy where we’re able to to to to actually see our families at home or or out out and and and about in in in in in in the the the the the community and and and from from the the the the the beginning beginning to to to the the the the the end end of of another year which required extraordinary flexibility teamwork and and and dedication from from all at at Children’s Children’s Friend Head Start also welcomed another exciting exciting transition: the the hiring and and introduction of Tiana Ochoa as Children’s Children’s Friend’s new new Head Start Director in in in in in in in May With this exciting exciting news comes a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a hearty THANK YOU to to Stacy Del Vicario for her continuing and and endless hard work as as Vice President of of of Programs and and now as as Deputy Director of of of Head Start especially during the challenges of of of COVID-19