Page 19 - FSANZ AUTUMN -2023
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recognition of our fertility counsellors
Mid-year and Annual Workshops
Despite the challenges of COVID 19, we have been able to maintain our commitment to continuing professional education through our mid-year and annual workshops. Rebecca said: It was especially wonderful to see so many of you in person at the annual workshop in Sydney after such a long period of being distanced.”
ANZICA Donor Training Webinar Series
Amanda Monteith recently presented the first in a series of ANZICA training webinars on third party reproduction. These webinars will not only be open to ANZICA members, but also to our wider FSANZ colleagues who work in this important area.
We firmly believe that collaborating in this way will enhance patient centred care.
Legislative change and submissions
ANZICA has provided input on legislative changes in the wider community through submissions and commentary in the following areas:
• proposed amendments to the Assisted Reproductive Treatment Regulations 2019 in Victoria regarding counselling for artificial insemination and related matters;
• Northern Territory Surrogacy regulation;
• New Zealand Surrogacy regulations and reform;
• legislative reform addressing key issues in the Contemporary Assisted Reproductive Technology and Surrogacy Legislation for Western Australia, and the public discussion paper on behalf of the Ministerial Expert Panel pertaining to counselling; and
• the Mitochondrial Donation Supplementary Section relating to ethical guidelines on the use of assisted reproductive technology in clinical practice and research.
“All of this input would not be possible without a wonderful team of volunteers who take on these tasks in addition to their own work and family commitments,” Rebecca stated.
“Thank you especially to our executive team of Caren August, Antonia Clissa, Narelle Dickinson, Sally Ann Heaney, Amanda Monteith, Helen Nicholson, Iolanda Rodino, Melissa Stephens, Cal Volks, and Elizabeth Webb.
“I also thank our membership working party of Melissa Stephens and Sonja Goedeke for their huge input of time and effort and to Iolanda Rodino and Antonia Clissa in their respective roles as ANZICA representative on the FSANZ Board and ANZICA RTAC representative.
“Thanks also to Sonja Goedeke for a fantastic midyear workshop presentation on embryo donation and to Narelle
Kim O Dea ... enormous dedication and skill in ensuring our membership continues to grow
Commitment to ensure counsellors working in the field of assisted reproductive technology have a voice that is heard and valued
Dickinson, Helen Nicholson, Cal Volks, Kylie Stone, Margaret Stanley Hunt and Andy Leggat for organising and facilitating an excellent panel discussion for this workshop.
“Also, to Evelyn Zwahlen, Miranda Montrone, Sally Ann Heaney, Marlene Mina and Melissa Stephens for
putting together a fabulous annual workshop, and to
Sue Hawkins, Jennifer Douglas, Marlene Mina, Miranda Montrone, Sarah Nowoweiski, Narelle Dickinson, Sonja Goedecke, Sally Ann Heaney and Cal Volks who presented at this workshop and/or at the FSANZ annual conference.
“Our acknowledgements would not be complete without highlighting the support of Kim O’Dea from Waldron Smith Management for her on-going work with ANZICA, and for her enormous dedication and skill in ensuring our membership continues to thrive.
“We have so much to be proud of over the past year, but it is also one tinged with sadness over the passing of one of our wonderful NSW members, Newcastle and Genea Counsellor, Emma Bullen.
I look forward to continuing my term as Chair of ANZICA, and I reiterate my commitment to ensure counsellors working in the field of assisted reproductive technology have a voice that is heard and valued.”