Page 3 - FSANZ AUTUMN -2023
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On The Cover
Mitochondrial disease is a debilitating genetic disorder that robs the body’s cells of energy causing multiple organs to dysfunction or fail.
Our cover picture is a microscopic illustration of mitochondria, the vital powerhouses that help sustain healthy life. Australia is set to become only the second country in the world with government sanctioned mitochondrial donation, an IVF-based technique that offers those affected by mitochondrial disease real hope of having healthy children of their own.
The Fertility Society of Australia and NZ has been an active participant in urging legislative change to allow mitochondrial donation, and now a clinical trial of the technique has been approved.
See Pages 4 and 5
  President’s Report 2-3 Beacon of hope in mitochondrial donation clinical trial 4-5 VARTA urged to reverse donor linking counselling move 7 Early bird savings for FSANZ 2023 on the Gold Coast 8 Back to normal RTAC Code of Practice review this year 9 Congratulations to FSANZ Research Grant recipients 11 IVF Medical Directors’ Group in vital advocacy work 14 Emergency response to NZ’s devastating floods 15 ANZICA: Advancing professional status and recognition 16-17 SIRT: Students and early career researchers shine 18-19
FNA: 2023 meetings on Gold Coast and in Hobart
 The FSANZ Newsletter is the official publication of the Fertility Society of Australia and New Zealand
FSANZ Secretariat
Waldron Smith Management
119 Buckhurst Street
South Melbourne, Vic 3205 Telephone: (03) 9645 6311 Facsimile: (03) 9645 6322 e-mail:
Luk Rombauts
Monash IVF
Level 7, 89 Bridge Road Richmond, Victoria 3121
Jan Mackenzie
Monash IVF Parramatta 1 Fennell Street Parramatta
NSW 2151
FSANZ Newsletter Editor
Keith Harrison
Tel: 0412 487 814
The Lighthouse Public Relations
Trevor Gill Tel: 0418 821948
Advertising Inquiries Lindy O’Connell
Tel: (08) 0413 160 439
Views expressed by contributors to the FSANZ Newsletter, and advertisements appearing in the publication, are not necessarily endorsed by the Fertility Society of Australia and New Zealand.

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