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ORIGIN of the Fountain of Life TESTING - Analysis Before Release
Norwegian Spruce Tree Every batch of Fountain of Life goes UV
through two analysis before it is
- Grown in Northern Finland, released. It must undergo a quality Over 100,000 People used FOL Areas with High UV Exposure Improve Hair Health
control measuring the lignans, trace with no Reported Incidences
- Almost disease & pestilence-free, elements, and appearance of the
Finland extract. This testing uses liquid gas Protect and Improve Cancer Health Cholesterol Management FOL is not a Drug
- Evolved in the harshest of conditions, chromatography to measure the
lignan content. FOUNTAIN OF LIFE
- Has highest source of lignans from nature,
Once bottled, it is tested for microbes, pH and other metrics to
- knotwood & stemwood that are ensure that it meets Health Canada standards of safety.
used to develop the extract is a by Fountain of Life cannot be released unless it meets these
product of the pulp and paper requirements as established by Health Canada. The measurement
i n d us tr y. of microbes is stringent to ensure that contamination has not
occurred and that it is safe for consumption.
LIGNANS - Powerful Antioxidants Natural Health Product of Canada
EXCIPIENT in Fountain of Life
Antioxidant & Anti-inflammatory Dietary Lignans Since its introduction over 150,000 people have used
The excipient in Fountain of life is trimethylene glycol. This is Fountain of Life in over 100 countries with no reported
Lignans are plant antioxidants found in derived from non-GMO corn. Its sugar and alcohol FREE and is incidences.
the cell walls of many grains, vegetables, used in many food products. Its certifications include:
nuts & fruits. Natural Products Association (NPA) | USDA Bio Preferred Program - Incredibly safe, there is NO toxicity level established.
100% Bio-based | Natural Health Products Ingredient - Health Canada
Plant lignans must be converted in the | Complies with ISO 16128-1:2016 | EPA Design for the Environment The extract in Fountain of Life has been used topically to
human body to enterodiol or enterolactone (D f E) | GRAS | Halal | Kosher | USP-NF | USP-FCC | FEMA #4753 neutralize free radicals in areas of the world with high
for us to be able to utilize it. exposure to UV radiation.
The predominant lignan in Fountain of The extract in Fountain of Life used in the hair has shown
Life is quickly absorbed in to our blood improvement in the texture and health of hair.
stream and converted in the plasma.
The lignan 7-hydroxymatairesinol is undergoing study and
the results ranging from cholesterol management, weight loss,
insulin resistance to impacting cancer are only the beginning
of this research.
However, Fountain of Life is a functional food and NOT a drug as
it replaces the lignans that have been processed out of our diets.
Flaxseeds There is no impact on potassium levels GMO WEIGHT LOSS STUDY
with FOL. FREE
A study was recently published on the
FOL has about 17 times more lignans lignan in Fountain of Life (7-HMR). The
than FLAXSEEDS, in the same volume of results showed a lowering of insulin
material but with a much higher resistance, increased fat metabolism and
bioavailability. lower cholesterol levels which led to
weight loss in subjects.
The daily dosage of FOL is dependent
upon the user’s body weight. The general This demonstrates that as a functional
rule is to add 1 drop per every 10 kg (22 lb) food, Fountain of Life can replace the lost
of body weight. To lower body weight, lignans no longer in many food sources
please take a minimum of 30 drops once and provide use with significant benefits to
per day. our well-being. To lower body weight,
please take a minimum of 30 drops once
FEMA per day.