Page 334 - Performance Health Product Guide 2021-22
P. 334
Sammons Preston Cushion Belt
The cushion belt provides stability for the patient to assist them in walking. It allows someone to help the user stay standing upright when walking. This product is ideal for long-term wear & prevents rubbing & skin irritations.
• Helps users feel safe & comfortable when walking • Self-release option can be used on every closure
• Designed with durable, water resistant fabric
• Machine washable in case it gets dirty after use
081714799 081714823 081714807
Hook & Loop Airplane Buckle Side Release Buckle
Sammons Preston Elevating Arm Support
The Sammons Preston Elevating Arm Support is a multi-purpose arm support that provides gradual elevation, allowing excess fluid to drain from the site of an injury. This device helps to stabilize the arm & prevent further injury.
• Helps reduce pain & speed up the healing process • Fits both arms & can be placed on several surfaces • Recessed cavity helps keep the injured limb secure • Foam elevator & vinyl-coated options are available
SKU Legacy Description
081079235 553120 Foam Elevator (Soft) 081171552 646302 Vinyl-Coated
Sammons Preston Footrest Extender
With a cushioned back to protect the lower legs against contact with a wheel- chair, the footrest extender helps improve posture & prevents feet from slipping behind the footrests
• Promotes proper seating alignment in a wheelchair • Secures with quick-release hook & loop straps
• Covered in durable, water-repellant vinyl material
• For various wheelchair dimensions & user heights
081714526 081714559 081714583 081714518 081714534 081714542 081714575 081714567 081714591
1”H - 18-20” 2”H - 18-20” 3”H - 18-20” 1”H - 16-18” 1”H - 20-22” 2”H - 16-18” 3”H - 16-18” 2”H - 16-18” 3”H - 20-22”
Wheelchair Supports