Page 19 - Biofreeze Massage Manual
P. 19

8. Apply direct pressure for 8-12 seconds one thumb width apart along the side of the spine from the sacrum to the shoulder, and then out to the shoulders. Repeat, moving laterally each time for a total of three times.
9. With both hands, apply petrissage to neck and shoulders.
10. Apply circular friction with both thumbs starting at the mastoid process. Work toward
the midline of the head. Repeat two more times.
11. Apply direct pressure for 8-12 seconds along the para spinal muscles of the posterior neck.
12. End with e eurage stroke from the neck to the sacrum and back up ending at the shoulders.
13. Wipe o  any excess oil, then apply Biofreeze Gel to the localized area of tenderness.
14. End with cross body stretch holding at the hip and opposite shoulder. Hold 8-12 seconds,
repeat on opposite side and end with e eurage strokes.
15. Apply Biofreeze Gel to the localized area of tenderness.
special notes:
This treatment can be used in conjunction with other treatments for a full-body routine.
technique de nitions:
COMPReSSION: A rhythmic pumping action movement on muscle straight in and out intended to spread muscle  ber.
COMPReSSIve eFFLeURAGe: The application of gliding strokes with enough pressure to create a displacement of tissue for the purpose of moving  uid.
dIReCT PReSSURe: The application of compression of tissue with static pressure.
eFFLeURAGe: The application of gliding strokes that follow the contour of the body.
FRICTION: The application of compression of tissue while adding movement.
PeTRISSAGe: The application of lifting, squeezing and kneading strokes to tissues of the body.
STRIPPING STROkeS: The application of speci c gliding strokes over a muscle, usually from distal to proximal.
treatment designed by Lynda solien-Wolfe
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Performance Health 19

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