Page 42 - Performance Health At Home
P. 42

Rollators don’t require lifting for movement, offer the greatest range of mobility, facilitate faster walking and help with normal gait.
364 lbs.
Weight Capacity
Lightweight Aluminum Rollator
Built-in Seat & Backrest —
Allow users to take a break and rest virtually anywhere.
Four Wheels —
Provide better stability, accommodate greater weight and help user maintain balance while moving smoothly over more surfaces.
Cushioned safety bar
700 lbs.
Weight Capacity
Heavy-Duty Steel Bariatric Rollator
 Front Swivel Wheels —
Facilitate easier turning and maneuverability.
Hand Brakes —
Assist with user control and offer enhanced safety.
         Days® Rollators
Featuring convenient, adjustable-height handles with ergonomic hand grips and easy-access, loop-lockable brakes. Adjustable handle height: 341/4” - 39”. Padded seat can be lifted and folds easily for storage or transportation. Puncture-proof, 8” diameter solid wheels.
081561661 Lightweight Aluminum Rollator, 243/4"W x 243/4"D 081561679 Heavy-Duty Steel Bariatric Rollator, 301/2"W x 26"D
Oversize or overweight shipping
300 lbs.
Weight Capacity
       Days® Steerable Knee Walker
Ideal for patients with injuries below the knee or recovering from surgery. Cush- ioned, contoured platform allows for even distribution of body weight by sup- porting half of the weight on the device, and the other half on the non-injured leg. Fits patients of all heights and can be adjusted without the use of tools.
Dual hand brakes allow for additional safety, controlled movement, and easy steering/stopping

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