Page 80 - Performance Health Product Guide 2021-22
P. 80
Rolyan Finger Sleeve
Measured around finger at PIP crease to determine circumference, the sleeve assists PIP & DIP joints into extension & can be used without metal stay for control of edema.
• Maintains finger extension to help reduce pain • Metal stay can be worn on volar/dorsal surface • Compression for gradual edema control
• Neoprene material does not contain latex
081296888 081296896 081296904 081296912 081296920 081296938
Legacy Description
A86801 XX-Small A86802 X-Small A86803 Small A86804 Medium A86805 Large A86806 X-Large
Rolyan Finger Splint Straps
Designed to adjust to accommodate edema, the hook & loop straps can be used to secure the finger to a splint for immobilization following injury.
• Adhesive-backed hook with non-adhesive loop • Used with splints to protect injured fingers
• Avoids application of messy medical tape
• Does not slip, roll or irritate the skin
SKU Legacy Description
081282557 A58001 X-Small 081282565 A58002 Small 081282573 A58003 Medium
Rolyan Frog Splint
For distal finger joint injuries, the foam lined splint keeps the IP joint in exten- sion while allowing the joint close to the knuckle to bend & straighten.
• Aluminum splint immobilizes finger joints
• Protective foam padding for shock absorption • Open design allows for air circulation
• Promotes healing & prevents re-injury
SKU Legacy Description
081115278 556063 Medium 081115252 556062 Small 081115294 556064 Large
Finger Splints