Page 426 - Performance-Health-Canada-eCatalog-2018-2020
P. 426
Evaluation Assessments
Test of Visual Perceptual Skills, 4th
Ed. The latest update of the standard
comprehensive assessment of visual analysis and
processing skills. Additional lower-level items were
added to address the needs of younger or more im-
paired individuals, and norms now extend through 21
years of age, making the TVPS-4 useful for a wider
range of examinees. The TVPS-4 utilizes black-and-
white line drawings, bound in a convenient easel-style
booklet. The items are still presented in a multiple-
choice format, requiring only minimal verbal or motor
(pointing) responses. This format is ideal for use with
individuals who have impairments in motor, speech, neurological or cognitive functions.
• Includes 18 items in each of seven perceptual areas: Visual Discrimination (DIS),
Visual Memory (MEM), Spatial Relationships (SPA), Form Constancy (CON),
Sequential Memory (SEQ), Visual Figure-Ground (FGR), Visual Closure (CLO)
• Provides individual subtest scores in addition to an overall total score
• Test Kit includes: TVPS-4 Kit: Manual, Test Plates and 25 Record Forms, in portfolio • For ages 5 through 21
7100764 TVPS-4 Test Kit
7100765 Record Forms (25)
Developmental Test of Visual Perception- Adolescent and Adult (DTVP-A). Differentiates visual/perceptual problems from visual/motor integra- tion deficits. It is especially useful in the evaluation of the neuropsychological integrity of traumatic
brain injury (TBI) and stroke patients, where right
hemisphere function may be an issue. Consists of six
subtests including Copying, Figure-Ground, Visual-Motor Search, Visual Closure, Visual- Motor Speed and Form Constancy. Subtests and indexes suggest areas of emphasis in cognitive and fine motor rehabilitation. Ages: 11 through 74. Testing time: 25 minutes. 555585 Complete Kit (includes everything listed below in a sturdy storage box)
555588 Profile/Examiner Record Forms (25)
555589 Response Booklets (25)
PDMS-2 (Peabody Developmental Motor Scales - Second Edition). This evaluation tool has been improved based on research and feedback from users. The package provides in-depth assessment and training or remediation of gross and fine motor skills for children from birth through 6 years of age. Six subtests (reflexes, stationary, locomotion, object manipulation, grasping and visual-motor integration) reliably measure interrelated motor abilities and has been standardized on 2,003 children.
The PDMS-2 allows users to determine a child’s Gross Motor Quotient, Fine Motor Quotient and Total Motor Quotient. New Profile/Summary Form can
be used to record a child’s scores: age equivalents, raw scores, percentiles and standard scores. The forms graphically display the child’s performance
to determine strengths, weakness and progress.
The Kit includes 25 new Examiner Record Booklets, Illustrated Guide for Administering and Scoring, 25 profile forms, an activities program manual, the new black and white Peabody Motor Development Chart, manipulatives and a sturdy storage box. Optional wall chart measures 38" x 26".
804302 PDMS-2 Complete Kit
804303 PDMS-2 Examiner Record Booklet (25)
804304 PDMS-2 Profile/Summary Form (25) 927035 Optional Wall Chart
Test of Visual-Motor Skills-3
(TVMS-3). This brand new revi-
sion of the TVMS assesses how well
a person can coordinate visually
guided fine-motor movements to
copy a design. The TVMS-3 is used
to determine whether there are any
systematic distortions or gross inac-
curacies in the copied design that could be the result of deficits in visual perception, motor planning and/or execution.
New to this revision:
• A simplified scoring system (no ruler or protractor needed). • Lower and upper levels have been combined.
• No alternate scoring method.
• National norms.
• Age range extended to 90.
• Administration time is 30–45 minutes.
• Results are expressed as a general accuracy standard score. 081546696 Test of Visual-Motor Skills-3
081546712 TVMS-3 Booklets, 15 pk.
081546720 TVMS-3 Forms, 15 pk.
Test of Gross Motor Development (TGMD-2). Assists you in identifying children ages 3 through 10–11 who are significantly behind their peers in gross motor skill development. Made up
of 12 skills (six for each subtest): • Locomotor: run, gallop, hop,
leap, horizontal jump and slide • Object Control: striking a sta-
tionary ball, stationary dribble,
kick, catch, overhand throw and underhand roll
Detailed descriptions and illustrations of the gross motor skills and a simplified scoring system allow quick and easy administration of the test (in only 15 to 20 minutes). You can use the results of this assess- ment to develop instructional programs, monitor progress, evaluate treatment and conduct further research in gross motor development. 555592 Complete Kit
555590 Manual
555591 Profile/Examiner Record Booklets (25)