Page 8 - Hopwell Presentation (Issue) 08-02-2021
P. 8

  “I have lovely places to walk near me”
Same land, more “green”
The 1948 Copenhagen “Green Finger” plan delivers greater benefits than the “Green Belt”:
Transport corridors don’t puncture the green spaces – they are holistic
Accessibility to green space is increased, with far larger proportions of the population within walking or cycling distance of green space
The frontage of development to green space is substantially greater – enhancing values and amenity
Access to “edge of green finger” land uses that enhance quality of life is increased – allotments, community gardens, views and leisure amenity
The primary function of the “fingers” is to maximise the urban edge condition, not just crudely prevent urban sprawl
Easy access to quality green space is something we will all value much more in a post-pandemic world

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